

Why Do Glasses Help Us See Better?

In order to see clearly, light that enters the eye needs to be focused to a specific point on the retina (the back of the eye). Naturally, our tear film, cornea and lens help focus the light on the retina; however, if the vision is not focused precisely, a blurred image results. To help focus the image more precisely, we can use lenses in front of the eye in the form of glasses or contact lenses on the surface on the eye.

Will Wearing Glasses Make My Eyes Weaker?

Wearing glasses does not make one’s eyes weaker. Glasses merely help focus the light entering the eye. A child’s eye prescription will not change based on how frequently he or she wears glasses. Interestingly, it is normal for a child’s eye prescription to change over his or her development. If a child sees better with glasses, then it is recommended they be worn.

Will Watching Television or Using a Tablet or Phone Hurt my Child’s Eyes?

No. While many people believe that the need for glasses stems from watching a lot of television or doing a lot of near work with electronics, this is not true. Each individual has a unique eye prescription. Some may need glasses to see clearly. Others may not, but it is not a result of the activities we do.

Should Glasses be Worn at All Times?

How often glasses should be worn depends on the eye prescription and the reason why the glasses are being prescribed. Glasses are usually prescribed to help eyes see clearly, so if they are doing that, there is no problem with wearing them all the time. There also is no problem with wearing them only in situations where one needs them. One example of this is a child who sees well at near but cannot see the board in school.  There are other scenarios, however, where glasses are not just prescribed to help eyes see clearly but also to help with eye alignment. In those scenarios it is usually recommended that they be worn full time.